22/03/2023: Congratulations Miao!

Miao defended her PhD thesis.
Congratulations, Dr. Miao Li!
18/02/2023: New publication in Acta Psychologica

Dandan published a manuscript in collaboration with Jing Cui & Guiying Jiang titled "Judging emoji by occupation: A case of emoji-based sarcasm interpretation" in Acta Psychologica. They found that individuals perceived the smiling emoji expressed by high-irony occupations as more sarcastic when the contextual information is ambiguous.
16/11/2022: Crowding special issue in the Journal of Vision

Michael Herzog and Bilge published an editorial on the special issue "Crowding: Recent advances and perspectives" in the Journal of Vision. Thanks to all the authors for an excellent collection of articles on visual crowding.
11/11/2022: New publication in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics

Dandan, Luyan Ji, Yunping Song & Bilge published a manuscript titled "Foveal vision determines the perceived emotion of face ensembles" in Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. They found that ensemble emotion perception failed when faces with incongruent emotions were presented in the fovea: The “foveal input bias”.
21/10/2022: Congratulations Koen!

Koen defended his PhD thesis.
Congratulations, Dr. Koen Rummens!
13/10/2022: Ângela went to UC Berkeley!

Ângela received a mobility grant to investigate appearance in amblyopia, a developmental disorder of spatial vision. We will collaborate with Dr. Dennis Levi.
Congratulations, Ângela!
07/10/2022: New publication in Vision Research
A manuscript by Miao, Bert and Bilge titled "Anisotropic representations of visual space modulate visual numerosity estimation" has been published in Vision Research. They found that numerosity perception is subject to a radial-tangential anisotropy of the visual field.
(The figure shows strong (radial) and weak (tangential) interference displays as used in the study).

29/08/2022-01/09/2022: ESCoP in Lille

At the 22nd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP) we presented on the following topics:
Ângela: Beyond categorization: The appearance of optotypes around threshold.
Bilge: What is redundant in redundancy masking?
Cristina: Anomalous experiences when seeing highlights without objects.
​Dandan: Voluntary control can overcome the foveal input bias in ensemble emotion.
Miao: Redundancy masking prevents the detection of faces.
26/08/2022: New publication in Behavior Research Methods
A new manuscript titled "The Sabancı University Dynamic Face Database (SUDFace): Development and validation of an audiovisual stimulus set of recited and free speeches with neutral facial expressions" has been published in Behavior Research Methods.

03/05/2022: New publication in Journal of Vision
A manuscript by Koen and Bilge titled "Multidimensional feature interactions in visual crowding: When configural cues eliminate the polarity advantage" has been published in Journal of Vision.

13-18/05/2022 & 1-2/06/2022: We presented at VSS and V-VSS 2022!
We presented at VSS in person and online on these topics:
Sabrina: Hidden by letters: How grouping lines into letters interferes with ensemble perception
Zeynep: Imagine that! Visual imagery alleviates crowding
Miao: Redundancy masking of faces: When trios look like duos
Dandan: We do not have to see what we look at: Foveal input can be ignored in ensemble emotion perception
Ângela: The appearance of tiny objects: How Snellen’s symbols look like below, at and above threshold

23/02/2022: Art and Vision Science special issue in the Journal of Vision

A special issue on Art and Vision Science in the Journal of Vision invites submissions on analytical and empirical approaches to understanding visual perception through examining visual art, as well as to understanding visual art through vision science, and new methodologies or technologies – for example, for displaying or reproducing visual art, modeling image aesthetics, or generating new art - where these intersect with the study of human visual perception. (Deadline: December 31, 2022. Feature editors: Doris Braun, Aenne Brielmann, Bevil Conway, Patrick Cavanagh, Anya Hurlbert, Bilge Sayim, Maarten Wijntjes).
16/02/2022: Welcome Zeynep

Dr. Fazilet Zeynep Yildirim-Keles is joining the PALab as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Zeynep will work on redundancy masking and adaptive optics, collaborating with Dr. Wolf Harmening and his team at the University of Bonn, Germany.
Welcome to Lille, Zeynep!
14/12/2021: Bilge's talk at Tübingen University, Germany
Bilge gave a talk in the Department of Computer Science at Tübingen University, Germany, on “Redundancy masking and information compression in the visual brain.”

14/12/2021: New publication in Scientific Reports

A manuscript by Koen and Bilge titled "Broad attention uncovers benefits of stimulus uniformity in visual crowding" was published in Scientific Reports.
21/11/2021: Dandan went to Harvard University!
Dandan received a mobility grant for her latest project on emotion perception. The goal is to investigate emotion perception in online contexts such as meetings. The project is happening in collaboration with Professor Amit Goldenberg.
Congratulations, Dandan!

14/11/2021: Welcome Cristina
Cristina Buzzo joined the lab for an internship for one year.
Welcome to the PALab, Cristina!

01/11/2021: Bilge's talk at Sabanci University, Turkey
Bilge gave a talk at Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey, on “Knowing is not seeing: Appearance and Performance in Peripheral Vision.”

21-22/10/2021: 14th GDR Vision forum
Sabrina was a keynote speaker! Her talk was titled On the real bandwidth of perceptual experience: Detailed internal representations of visual ensembles
Miao presented a talk on Feature migration in redundancy masking
Dandan presented a talk on how Foveal input can be ignored in ensemble emotion perception
Ângela presented her poster named Appearance at threshold: How Snellen symbols look like
31/08/2021: New publication in Early Music

A manuscript by Thilo Hirsch, Marina Haiduk and Bilge titled "Raphael’s ‘imperfect’ viol: A question of perspective" was published in Early Music.
22-27/08/2021: Virtual ECVP!

We presented at Virtual ECVP 2021 on these topics:
Zeynep: Low accuracy and high confidence in redundancy masking
Koen: Stimulus uniformity modulates the effect of target-flanker similarity in crowded letter recognition
Miao: Seeing features of unseen objects: feature migration in redundancy masking
Dandan: Voluntary control eliminates the fovea bias in ensemble emotion perception
Sabrina: One less is enough: Evidence for redundancy masking in the fovea
25/05/2021: Congratulations Zeynep!

Zeynep defended her PhD thesis.
Congratulations, Dr. Fazilet Zeynep Yildirim!
05/05/2021: We are going to present at V-VSS 2021

Sabrina: Saturday, May 22, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST, Visual Memory: Encoding, Room Osprey: Poster A22: "Temporal integration of feature probability distributions in visual working memory"
Miao: Sunday, May 23, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST, Spatial Vision: Crowding, Room Osprey: Poster B2: "More crowded, less numerous: Crowding reduces the number of perceived items in numerosity perception"
Koen: Sunday, May 23, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST, Spatial Vision: Crowding, Room Osprey: Poster B4: "Probability cuing uncovers object-based frames of reference in crowding"
Dandan: Sunday, May 23, 14:00 - 16:00 CEST, Face Perception 2, Room Egret: Poster B129: "Happy centre, happy whole: Foveal vision determines the perceived emotion of face ensembles"
22/04/2021: Congratulations Sabrina!

Sabrina became a member of the Student-Postdoc Advisory Committee of VSS for a two-year term. Congratulations!
10/03/2021: Congratulations Natalia!

Natalia defended her PhD thesis and is currently a research fellow at the Department of Experimental Psychology, Otto-von-Guericke University (DE).
Congratulations, Dr. Natalia Melnik!

18/02/2021: New publication in Scientific Reports

A manuscript by Zeynep, Dan and Bilge titled "Hidden by bias: How standard psychophysical procedures conceal crucial aspects of peripheral visual appearance" was published in Scientific Reports.
17/12/2020: New article by Bilge and Henry on The Conversation

​19-22/11/2020: The 61st Annual Meeting Virtual Psychonomics

Koen and Miao attended the 61st Annual Meeting Virtual Psychonomics!
Koen presented his poster on "Probability cueing reveals asymmetry of attentional limits in crowding." Miao presented her poster on "Perceived numerosity in crowded and uncrowded displays".
01/09/2020: Welcome Sabrina

Dr. Sabrina Hansmann-Roth is now joining the PALAB on a collaborative project together with Dr. Wolf Harmening at the University of Bonn. Welcome to the Lab!
01/09/2020: Welcome Ângela

Ângela Tomaz has joined the lab as a Ph.D. student. As part of her Ph.D., she will be investigating spatial vision and appearance. Welcome to the Lab!
26/04/2020: New publication in Journal of Vision

A manuscript by Zeynep and Bilge titled "Redundancy masking: The loss of repeated items in crowded peripheral vision" was published in Journal of Vision. Find out the article online below.
15/01/2020: New publication in Scientific Reports

A manuscript by Natalia, Dan and Bilge titled "Emergent features break the rules of crowding" was published in Scientific Reports. Find out the article online below.

Bilge will give a public lecture about perception and arts on Thursday (07.11.2019) at 6:15 p.m. (Lecture Hall A022, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3012 Bern).
15/10/2019: Welcome Dandan

Dandan Yu received her M.Sc. in Developmental and Educational Psychology from the Xiamen University and the Institute of Psychology in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. She will start her Ph.D. at the PALab where she will study ensemble perceptions of facial expressions. Welcome to the Lab!
09-11/09/2019: The 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference in Bern

Natalia and Zeynep attended the 16th SPS SGP SSP Conference in Bern!
Zeynep presented her work on "Spatial compression in redundancy masking"
Natalia gave a talk about how "Peripheral appearance in dyslexic readers is characterized by an excessive loss of elements"
29/08/2019: Koen received Tom Troscianko Memorial Award

Thanks to the award, Koen got the opportunity to travel to this year's ECVP in Leuven by bike. Along the way, he visited the labs of Rama Chakravarthi (University of Aberdeen), Robert Shillcock (University of Edinburgh), and John Greenwood (University College London).
25-29/08/2019: ECVP2019 in Leuven, Belgium

Koen's talk on 26/Aug/2019 (9:00am-11:00am): "Attentional limits in crowding are asymmetric"
Miao's talk on 26/Aug/2019 (9:00am-11:00am): "Crowding reduces numerosity estimates for large numbers"
Zeynep's talk on 29/Aug/2019 (9:00am-11:00am): "No help for lost lines: Redundancy masking is strong under focused and diffuse attention"
Natalia's talk on 29/Aug/2019 (9:00am-11:00am): "What dyslexics see: Excessive information loss characterizes peripheral appearance in dyslexia"
13/06/2019: New publication in Vision Research

A manuscript by Koen and Bilge titled "Disrupting uniformity: Feature contrasts that reduce crowding interfere with peripheral word recognition" was published in Vision Research.
17-22/05/2019: VSS2019 in Florida

Don't miss our presentations!
Koen's poster: "When detrimental crowding becomes beneficial uniformity in peripheral letter recognition."
Natalia's poster: "Direct capture of peripheral appearance reveals what is lost and retained in peripheral vision."
Zeynep's talk: "Lost lines in warped space: Evidence for spatial compression in crowded displays."
26-28/11/2018: Bilge's talk at The Skin of Things

Bilge gave a talk at The skin of things: A symposium on perceiving and painting material properties titled "Transparency in visual art".
16/11/2018: Visit of Prof. Dr. Frank Jäkel

Dr. Frank Jäkel (Centre for Cognitive Science, TU Darmstadt) is visiting the lab and will give a talk at the Colloquium of the Insitute of Psychology titled "Bayesian reverse-engineering of perception and cognition" (17.15, in Room B306, Fabrikstrasse 8).
15/10/2018: Welcome Miao

Miao Li received her M.Sc. in Cognitive Neuropsychology from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2018. She will start her Ph.D. at the PALAB. Her Ph.D. project is about investigating the role of crowding in numerosity perception. Welcome to the Lab!
20/09/2018: New publication in Journal of Vision

Our new paper titled "Emergent features in the crowding zone: When target-flanker grouping surmounts crowding" was just published in Journal of Vision. Find out the paper online here.
24-30/08/2018: ECVP/VSAC in Trieste
Don't miss our presentations:
Bilge's poster on Saturday at VSAC: “Towards a phenomenology of the unknown: "Impossible" objects in a contemporary art installation”
Zeynep's poster on Tuesday (249M): “Visual references reverse diminishment in crowding”
Dan's poster on Tuesday (261M): “The critical spacing of crowding with diffuse attention”
Natalia's talk on Thursday (16:00-17:30): “Too good to be crowded: A peculiar case of weak crowding with high target-flanker similarity”
Koen's talk on Thursday (16:00-17:30): “When uncrowding of parts interferes with identifying wholes in peripheral word recognition”

01/03/2018: Book chapter
Bilge and Ivana published a book chapter in "Retreat into darkness: Towards a phenomenology of the unknown." See Publications for more details.
15/02/2018: New publication in Mind and Language

A manuscript by Henry and Bilge titled "Crowding, attention and consciousness: In support of the Inference Hypothesis" was published in the journal Mind and Language . Find out the paper online here.
01/11/2017: Welcome Koen
The newest member of the lab is Koen Rummens. Koen comes from the University of Leuven, where he received a Master's degree supervised by Prof. Sayim. He is joining the lab as a PhD student and will continue his work studying crowding and reading. Welcome!

01/09/2017: New paper in Journal of Vision

Our latest manuscript, titled "Appearance changes and error distributions in crowding revealed by drawings" was recently published in Journal of Vision. Find out the paper online here.
09/11/2017: Wolf Harmening Visit and Colloquium

Wolf Harmening from the Adaptive Optics Laboratory at the Eye Hospital in Bonn, Germany is visiting the lab and presenting a talk in the Psychology Institute Colloqium (17.15 in Room B306 of Fabrikstrasse 8).
27/08/2017: See you at ECVP 2017 in Berlin
The lab has several presentations at ECVP 2017 in Berlin. Hope to see you there!
Zeynep: Monday 28th, 11:00–12:30 Spatial vision: Poster 95: "Crowding impairs subitizing"
Bilge: Monday 28th, 17:00–18:30 Research Methods: Poster 99: "Creating peripheral shape metamers"
Dan: Tuesday 29th, 16:00–17:00 Spatial vision (Lecture Hall A): "Deconstructing peripheral appearance"
Natalia: Thursday 31st, 11:00–12:30 Perceptual organization: Poster 87: "Emergent features in the crowding zone"

27/06/2017: Schering Foundation Symposium "Towards a Phenomenology of the Unknown"
The Ernst Schering Foundation Symposium "Towards a Phenomenology of the Unknown" is happening at the Kuppenhalle in Berlin on Tuesday, June 27th. It is part of Ivana's project “Retreat into Darkness. Towards a Phenomenology of the Unknown" and will feature an exhibition, talks, and a cross-disciplinary symposium, with Ivana and Bilge.
See Schering Foundation website for more details.

16/04/2017: New publication in PNAS

New article published by John A. Greenwood (UC London), Martin Szinte (LMU Munich), Bilge Sayim, and Patrick Cavanagh (Université Paris Descartes & Dartmouth College) in PNAS: "Variations in crowding, saccadic precision, and spatial localization reveal the shared topology of spatial vision". Find out the paper online here.
09/03/2017: Visit and talk by Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachman

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lachmann (Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, Center for Cognitive Science, University of Kaiserslautern) will be visiting the lab and presenting a talk at the Psychology Colloquium titled "Reading as functional coordination - a framework."
1/01/2017: New publication in Perspectives on Psychological Science

Vebjörn Ekroll (University of Bergen), Bilge Sayim, and Johan Wagemans (University of Leuven) published a paper on the perceptual principles underlying magic titled "The other side of magic: The psychology of perceiving hidden things. Find the paper online here.
01/11/2016: Ivana received a grant by the Ernst Schering Foundation
The grant will fund (inter alia) a symposium on “The phenomenology of the unknown” organized by Ivana and Bilge at the European Conference of Visual Perception 2017 in Berlin.

06/10/2016: The visit of Professor Robert Pepperell
Professor Robert Pepperell will be visiting the lab and presenting a talk at the Psychology Colloquium titled "What scientists can learn from artists about visual perception" (17:15-18:00 in Fabrikstrasse 8 Room B306).

28/09/2016: New publication in i-Perception

Our paper presenting the drawing method with the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure has just been accepted for publication in the journal i-Perception.
03/09/2016: Welcome Natalia

Natalia Melnik received her M.Sc. in Cognitive Science from Middle East Technical University in 2015. She will start her Ph.D. at PALAB. Welcome! Find out more about Natalia on her website.
01/09/2016: ECVP&VSAC 2016 in Barcelona
The lab attended the European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP) and the Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC) in Barcelona. Dan gave a talk on the "ring paradigm" linking crowding and visual search, Bilge presented a poster on "Identity Crowding," and Bilge co-authored a VSAC poster with Tilde van Uyten and Erik Myin.

09/08/2016: Visit and presentation in Bonn

We visited the Adaptive Optics Laboratory of Dr. Wolf Harmening at the Eye Hospital in Bonn, Germany, and Bilge presented in the weekly colloqium.